What is Faking a smile? Does fake smiling make you happy?

Does fake smiling make you happy

When you carry a smile on your face you will seem trustworthy and kind to others, even when you are not happy inside. So, can you pay the price of faking a smile? A fake smile may fool the crowd, but it never eases the pain” – Kelly Brook There are many reasons, why people … Read more

Is happiness a choice? What does God say about happiness?

Is happiness a choice What does God say about happiness

Your happiness will not come to you, your happiness can only come from within you. Ralph. M  Yes, happiness is a choice and it is up to you personally to choose happiness every single day. Happy people never seek happiness in other people or other materialistic things. They are not held ‘Hostage’ by any circumstances … Read more

Is it possible to be happy forever? Does money buy Happiness?

Is it possible to be happy forever Does money buy Happiness

Yes, it is very much possible to be happy forever. Lasting happiness is surely attainable, but you have to be prepared to work for it. Like, in order to achieve permanent weight loss and lasting fitness, it requires permanent diet changes along with following a healthy routine for a lifetime. Likewise, long-lasting happiness demands some … Read more

Why happiness is important than success? Success or happiness?

why happiness is important than success. happiness or success. happiness by manish chaudhary

Happiness is a state of mind and success is a worldly pleasure. Success is something you attract because of the person you become. Happiness is important than success  in many ways. A successful person can be unhappy and it is not mandatory for happy person to be successful at everything. Thus we say that happiness … Read more

What says Buddha on suffering? 3 types of suffering in Buddhism.

What does buddha say on suffering. buddha on suffering

The root cause of all suffering is attachment, says Buddha on suffering. In life, we come across many people and things. We use people and things according to our needs, but when we become dependent on someone or something, then it creates dependency. And when we become dependent, then we become vulnerable to destruction. Our … Read more

What does God say about suffering? Is suffering God’s fault?

what does god say about suffering? suffering vd god

Suffering is a result of human sin against God suffering comes into our lives because of our own sinful actions we suffer because of the wrong choices and incorrect decisions we made in the past. Mother Teresa said: Suffering is a gift. Though, like all gifts, it depends on how we receive it, and that … Read more

Does smiling reduce stress? Should you smile for too long?

Does smiling reduce stress? Smiling Quotes- the happiness finder

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight Yes, smiling will definitely reduce stress. The science behind smiling: When you smile, your brain will release tiny molecules called neuropeptides that help to fight off stress. After this, the neurotransmitters like Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins are also released into the bloodstream and they help … Read more

What is the power of happiness? Do happy people live longer?

What is the power of happiness What creates happiness?, What is the value of happiness?,

Happiness is the one thing that everyone desperately wants. If you somehow manage to attract real happiness in your life, it is so powerful that it will elevate almost everything in your life. The power of happiness is neither easy to achieve nor difficult to maintain. “Happiness doesn’t just flow from success; it actually causes … Read more

Why do we suffer in this life? Is life full of suffering?

Why do we suffer in this life Is life full of suffering

We suffer in this life because we have many unending Desires, which may never be fulfilled. We suffer because we keep a lot more expectations from our loved ones. We suffer because we get over-attached to some other person or thing and for that, we need to learn to live with detached attachment. We suffer … Read more