Why are bad people blessed? and why do bad things happen to good people?

why are bad people blessed, why do bad things happen to good people

Good people have Expectations that “do good and good will happen to you as well” and this expectation is the root cause of all the suffering in their life. This is the reason that it is very often asked, why bad things happen to good people. Whereas, “not good” people are mostly very much clearer … Read more

How should I deal with parents who don’t understand me? Finding Happiness

My advice to you would be just don’t make any extra effort to deal with parents. Treat your parents with respect and mind your own business. You can’t make people understand you. You can’t force them to like your choices. The only thing you can do is, create your own life to the best of … Read more

Why do I feel so useless? Do I have a chance at life and start feeling worthy? Actions to take when you hate your life.

"Taking action when feeling trapped and unsatisfied with life" "Empowering yourself: Transforming self-doubt into self-belief"

“Your worth can never be determined by others. People not giving you the credit that you deserve is always their loss. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone” Mind that feeling useless and feeling worthless are just social projections, the burden of society on you, so you should never feel so useless. “Considering yourself … Read more

11 inspiring facts to remember when you are feeling worthless | The Happiness Finder

11 inspiring facts to remember when you are feeling worthless What to do when i feel worthless?

Touching words of a lonely soul: “Empty, lonely, sad, depressed, forgotten, useless, feeling worthless, unimportant, and unloved; the worst feelings in the world, but they are the way how I feel every day” Whenever you are feeling worthless, remember, that you were once the quickest sperm cell. 1. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions … Read more

Why do I feel depressed and worthless all the time. Why I am never happy?

why I feel depressed and worthless all the time. Why I am never happy

Dear Friend, Happiness is a state of mind. The feeling of depression and being unworthy originate in “the mind”. Depression can be a result of a tragic event or a past trauma or due to a public embarrassment when in the wrong company or just after seeing someone else happier than you are. These are … Read more

27 secret life lessons to happify your life | I wish I knew earlier

27 secret life lessons to happify your life I wish I knew earlier (1)

1. Being nice is overrated, be kind, be fair, be understanding, “Not Nice”. “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you” R.Kaur This time of the century is not fully supportive to being nice. You may be internally hard-wired with the “Be nice, Be kind to everybody” syndrome, but as you … Read more

9 Bad Habits Killing you slowly everyday | Quit Now! or suffer

9 Bad Habits Killing you slowly everyday Quit Now or suffer

“You cannot be healthy and happy without discipline. If you want to measure the level of happiness in your life, just measure the level of discipline in your life. Your life could be in danger due to the bad habits killing you slowly. “You will never have more happiness than you have discipline.” –Matthew Kelly … Read more

40 simple ways to trick your Happy Hormones and stay happy forever!

40 simple ways to trick your Happy Hormones and stay happy foreverTo control your hormones is to control your life.

Hormones are chemicals produced by various glands in our bodies. They travel through the bloodstream, act as messengers to reach different organs, and play an important role in different bodily processes. Once released by the glands into your bloodstream, they target organs and tissues to control everything from the way your body will function to … Read more

How do affirmations work?| Daily affirmations for happiness and health.

Affirmations can make your life happier than ever Nothing good comes easily. If it did, everyone would have it

Affirmations are positive statements, specifically designed to help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thought patterns. Daily affirmations for happiness and health, help you to affirm your belief, helping you make positive changes in your life. “Believe you deserve it, and the universe will serve it” # Positive affirmations are positive phrases used to achieve a positive … Read more

How thoughts create a good life? Secret of happy life.

Your thoughts can create a good life, everything is created twice first in the garden of the mind and then and only then in reality thoughts create great life

When you think about anything that makes you happy, your brain releases happiness hormones, such as endorphins in your bloodstream. These chemicals result in a feeling of well-being, as a result, you develop a confident positive attitude. With a confident attitude, you will vibrate (both mentally and physically) at a certain frequency that will attract … Read more