1. Being nice is overrated, be kind, be fair, be understanding, “Not Nice”.
“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you” R.Kaur

This time of the century is not fully supportive to being nice. You may be internally hard-wired with the “Be nice, Be kind to everybody” syndrome, but as you go through life, you will find out that life will hit you and it will hit you hard. You will not find anyone or anything as nice as you are. And ultimately, you will succumb to the harsh reality of life that being selfish is the new age definition of “self-love”.
2. Maturity is accepting you won’t get answers to the thing that hurt you the most- “Heal Anyway”.

“You have the power to heal yourself and you need to know that. We often live in despair and feel helpless when reality strikes, but you need to know that your single thought has the power to change the reality.”
When you were a child, you may be demanding and your parents must be very obliged to fulfill all your demands. But when you start living life on your own terms, you will eventually learn many harsh lessons “The harsh realities of life”. Some of them are
> Let go of the past.
> Forgive but never forget.
> Move on with life.
> Go with the flow.
> Expect nothing, Accept everything.
3. Be so busy improving your life, that you don’t have time to criticize others.
“Life is growth. If we stop growing technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead”
“Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth”

Don’t waste any time discussing others, mind your own business, focus on your work, live and earn for yourself and for the family. Never show off because you have a family to feed and not to impress everyone. Hope you understand.
4. Show respect to everyone who works for a living regardless of how trivial their job is.
“Goodness and hard work are rewarded with respect”

You get up healthy every day, perform your daily chores and go out to work. You eat healthily, preserve your daily quota of energy but still work very hard and return home safely, with a single motive to support your family again.
Everyone goes through this, so love them all who work and support them with your kind gestures. It would cost you nothing!
5. Unlearning is just as important as learning.
“it’s not hard to learn more. What is hard is to unlearn when you discover yourself wrong”

You can never fill a cup that is already full. This quote explains that if your mind is already full and filled with a certain set of beliefs and guidelines, then it will be very difficult to learn and absorb any new and correct information. So in order to embrace any new learning, first we have to unlearn and “let go” of our old beliefs.
6. Owning up to your mistakes/ doing what you say you’d do.
Dignity does not float down from heaven, it cannot be purchased nor manufactured. It is a reward reserved for those who labor with diligence. ‒ Bill Hybels

Live with dignity, be a man of words and action. Build authentic credibility, do what you say, and prove your worth.
7. You can’t pour from an Empty cup, fill your cup of knowledge first.
“With knowledge come peace and with peace comes power”

Empty vessels make more noise, this is an evident fact. Know what you speak and other way round, only speak what you know. Because if you are blindly shooting arrows in the air, at an unknown target, you will only be making a fool out of yourself.
8. When playing games with children, let them win.
“Every child is a different kind of flower and they all together make this world a beautiful garden”
“Children are the fresh flowers in an ancient garden of wisdom (the world)”

Yes, there is learning and there are wise men all around. But hey, they are children, and first we need to boost their confidence. Give them preference, let them win every time, make them feel loved, and in turn “be loved”.
“A bit of fragrance always clings to the hands that gives roses”
9. Instead of buying your children what you didn’t have, teach them what you didn’t know.
“Curiosity in children is but an appetite for knowledge” – J. Locke
“What we want to see is the child in pursuit of knowledge and not the knowledge in pursuit of the child” George Bernard Shaw

This is very serious. Parents who manage to rise up to a certain position, often commit a big mistake while nourishing their children. What they do is, buy them items (clothing, shoes, or silly things), that the parents desired themselves but couldn’t afford to buy. Those things may give momentary happiness to the kids but will end up spoiling their habits and their lifestyle. On the other hand, if children are offered the best information via education, to lead in life, they may easily grasp it and live a life worthwhile.
“The most influential of all information is the conversation in a child’s home” W. Temple
10. Never let your inner child die.
“Honor your inner child by losing yourself in pleasures”

Dance as if no one’s watching,
Love as if it’s all you know,
Dream as if you’ll live forever,
Live as if you’ll die today.
Sometimes it’s good to be carefree and soothe your soul.
11. Everyone you love will eventually die, spend decent time with your loved ones- keep them close.
“Families are like different branches of a tree. We grow in different directions and yet our roots remain the same”

Death is Inevitable. All will die with age. Life is the epitome of simplicity, but we all make it very complicated and difficult to live. The most important love factor in our life is controlled by the family. Many ignore this fact, they give priority to work, money, and career. This is very good, but afterward, they often find it very difficult to love anyone and be loved by anybody.
So it’s wise advice to spend more and more time with family and loved ones and embrace the blessings of the universe.
“Family is a gift that lasts forever”
12. No one is a mind reader, so speak how you feel.
“Always speak how you feel and never be sorry for just being real”
“You are born to express and not to impress”.

People will never bother to understand your feelings whenever they interact with you. So if you mean something, learn to express it, let them know how you feel and what is your desired outcome.
13. No one has it all figured out. Many lives are still ruined by hit and trial.
“Life is a trial and error. Every relationship is not meant to work. Sometimes you just need to learn the lesson”

Most countries are run by hit and trial. There are no perfect systems, no perfect technologies, everything has flaws and loopholes in functioning. Everywhere it’s just the trial and error fixing. Same is the case in families. People ignore the fact of expert guidance and proper planning in certain aspects of life. In the end, ”it doesn’t even matter!”, and they have to face the fury of existence.
14. Never feel bad about promoting yourself.
“Promote yourself until it pays off. They will either get mad and delete you or get inspired and support you”

Others may say bad things about you, but you may never speak bad things about yourself. Beware of things happening around you, Observe and react. Speak when you need to and let the world know your worth.
15. Listen to understand, not to respond.
“Lead by listening. To be a good leader you have to be a great listener”
If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”

Believe your instincts, speak when you need to, but most of all listen and observe carefully to be the smartest person on the room.
16. To love is to be vulnerable, so never let your guard down.
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none” W. Shakespeare
“Happily ever after is not a fairy tale, it’s a choice” F. Weaver

Your life is your own responsibility, never let anyone take control over your life. People close to you could make you “The frog in a well”, got it? Unknowingly, they could make you dependent on them for even the slightest of things. This is a real threat to your freedom.
“Freedom is the oxygen of the soul” M. Dayan
17. You don’t have to learn everything the “Hard Way “.
“It take a wise man to learn from his mistakes ,but even a wiser person to learn from others”

Do not be rigid and do not let your ego take control over you. Subside the thought of “Becoming a one-man army”. Refine your actions by learning from others mistakes, You will succeed early. It will benefit you in the long term.
18. One day you will need to be forgiven, so learn to forgive others.
“Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but just because you deserve peace”

Committing mistakes in life is almost unavoidable for anyone. A human being is a social animal and so you need to have a social network in order to live effectively. A close network of friends and family is the perfect recipe for small and silly mistakes to happen. At this time, mind your anger, learn to forgive and it will soothe your soul from jealousy and rage.
“Forgive but never forget”, remember it, learn from the past and never commit the same mistake again.
19. Spending time alone is one of the best things you can do to heal yourself.
“In solitude there is healing. Speak to your soul, listen to your heart. Sometimes in the absence of noise we find answers”

Do not waste your time living in isolation. But, if the situation seems unfavorable and it becomes a compulsion for you to live alone, then just change your mindset and deliberately convert the thought of isolation to blissful solitude.
Living in solitude along with a positive mindset is the perfect recipe for healing.
20. Travelling alone is better than in a bad Company.
“Travelling alone will be the scariest, most liberating and life changing experience of your life”

It means that don’t be surrounded with the wrong type of people, it’s better to choose the wise company yourself. Or else, your soul may get spoiled by the actions of bad company.
21. Embrace all of your emotions, don’t ignore them, don’t mask them, embrace them.
“Instead of resisting an emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it and see through your resistance” D. Chopra
“When we embrace all our feelings, all our emotions,, including suffering, hope will endure and support us”

Everyone in this world is born unique. All are placed in the perfect positions, where they need to be and where their services are needed. Emotions are a unique blessing from the almighty. Life seems tasty, just because we have emotions. Embrace your emotions, mold them with a positive mindset and live a life worthwhile.
22. No one will prepare you to watch your parents grow older.
“Watching your parents grow elderly is both wonderful and frightening. You begin to realize that there will be a day when you are here and they will be gone. So love them deeply and fully. Make every moment count”

Parents will grow old, and that’s a reality, to which many of us never even give a second thought. They will need care like a newborn child. They will become hard to deal with. At that time, if you can’t do more for them, just return them the favor which they did in bringing you up comfortably and happily!
23. Compliment the meal when you are a guest in someone’s home.

It’s a kind gesture to praise someone’s efforts. Also, never leave any opportunity to spread kindness all around you because as you sow, so shall you reap.
“A bit of fragrance always clings to the hands that gives roses”
24. If you care too much about what other people think, you are effectively their slave.
“You will never be happy when you constantly worry what others think about you”

In the real world, everyone you meet will love to control your life, either with love or pain.
Do what you believe is right, even if things turn bad you won’t be sorry that you didn’t give it a try. Your gut feeling is true, believe that and follow it throughout life.
25. Good or bad, you can learn from everybody.
“Never blame anyone in life
Good people give you happiness,
Bad people give you experience,
Worst people give you a lesson, and
Best people give you memories” – Z.Z
“There are no bad things in life, there are good things and there are experiences”
26. Don’t live for more than three days as a guest in anyone else’s house.
“Everything has a price, it’s just what you are willing to pay for it” A. Bishop

Nothing comes for free, you always have to pay the price. Living as a guest in someone else’s house for a day, for free, will result in the loss of your respect and credibility. After three days you may have to face criticism from house owners, and yes!, this is the reality and the price you have to pay.
27. Trust the process, God knows every outcome and has chosen the best one for you.
“Everything will suddenly happen for you and you will be so happy that you didn’t give up. Blessings are coming, just trust the universe”
“To win the game just remain in the game”

There is a plan in the universe that is playing itself perfectly. That is the plan of the infinite intelligence we know as GOD. That plan is perfectly designed for everybody and it is always in execution.
We all have many desires that remain unfulfilled in our life. But the plan designs our lives for a destiny that is always achieved. If we think deep, we will find out that the source and the outcome of every situation are always predefined and our lives are always preoccupied to achieve the desired outcome.